Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Sunday at church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) I learned how to index records so that it will help those that are working on their family history learn more about their Ancestors. It is so addicting and very easy to do. There is A LOT of work that needs to be done so they are asking for anybody that is willing and able to help. Go HERE to get started! Try it out. I am able to index 20 plus name a day during my kiddos "rest time". It is great for me to make use of some well needed "down time"

How is your Family History coming along? What have you done to help your children to know more about your Heritage?

1 comment:

  1. I love indexing, but you already know that. One of the reasons I'm so addicted is because it helps me feel closer to the baby we lost this past year. I feel like he's helping me along. My boys love that I index and like it when I find funny names or occupations. My oldest even asked me if I was alive when some of these people lived. Um...NO!:)
